Large-scale musculoskeletal wounds, such as those seen in trauma injuries, present poor functional healing prognoses. In severe trauma, when the native tissue architecture is destroyed or lost, the regenerative capacity of skeletal muscle is diminished by scar formation.
Large-scale musculoskeletal wounds, such as those seen in trauma injuries, present poor functional healing prognoses. In severe trauma, when the native tissue architecture is destroyed or lost, the regenerative capacity of skeletal muscle is diminished by scar formation. Here we demonstrate that a scaffold system composed of fibrin microthreads can provide an efficient delivery system for cell-based therapies and improve regeneration of a large defect in the tibialis anterior of the mouse. Cell-loaded fibrin microthread bundles implanted into a skeletal muscle resection reduced the overall fibroplasia-associated deposition of collagen in the wound bed and promoted in-growth of new muscle tissue. When fibrin microthreads were seeded with adult human cells, implanted cells contributed to the nascent host tissue architecture by forming skeletal muscle fibers, connective tissue, and PAX7-positive cells. Stable engraftment was observed at 10 weeks postimplant and was accompanied by reduced levels of collagen deposition. Taken together, these data support the design and development of a platform for microthread-based delivery of autologous cells that, when coupled to an in vitro cellular repro-gramming process, has the potential to improve healing outcomes in large skeletal muscle wounds.
Page, R., Malcuit, C., Vilner, L., Vojtic, I., Shaw, S., Hedblom, E., … Dominko, T. (2011). Restoration of Skeletal Muscle Defects with Adult Human Cells Delivered on Fibrin Microthreads. Tissue Engineering Part A, 17(21-22), 2629–2640.
*denotes a WPI undergraduate student author